00:00:00 Background information00:03:37 Start of Ben’s talk, introduction00:04:20 Theoretical background00:06:14 Thematic overview00:07:00 Real and imagined Jews in the history of European colonialism00:12:45 Activist settler colonialism
Tag: Antisemitism
When a site in Finchley, north London, appeared on a list of targets circulating in far-right chat groups calling for actions on 7 August, several
From K. The Magazine “What did y’all think decolonization meant?,” reads the hyper-viral tweet that circulated after October 7. As antisemitic violence erupted in Canada,
A statement we co-authored, published in December 2023, “For a consistently democratic and internationalist left“, highlighted the serious problem the global left has with antisemitism.
The seduction of speaking as a Jew – and why I will not do it Of the many indignities Jews have been forced to endure
The chorus of authoritarian propaganda against democratic protests should concern us all. When Greta Thunberg, a student activist against climate change, tweeted a “toolkit” comprising
After over a hundred days of bombing in Gaza, tens of thousands of civilians killed and millions fleeing for their lives, residential buildings and mosques
Open letter to the organisations that converge within Urgence Palestine. No English translation available yet.
Marcel Stoetzler is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Bangor University, UK, and currently Horkheimer Fellow at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt/M., Germany.
How has the political meaning of resistance come to be devalued? What are the affinities between the artistic critique of capitalism and a fascination with
We are a group of leftist educators, scholars, and activists who support the Kurdish-led liberation struggle in Rojava and beyond. We write in a spirit
From AJS Review Abstract “Intersectionality,” a concept coined and developed by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, examines how our various identities change in meaning and valence