00:00:00 Background information00:03:37 Start of Ben’s talk, introduction00:04:20 Theoretical background00:06:14 Thematic overview00:07:00 Real and imagined Jews in the history of European colonialism00:12:45 Activist settler colonialism
Tag: Colonialism
00:00:00 Introduction and background information00:03:40 Joe introduces himself and his work00:05:35 Nationalism and internationalism00:06:44 Imperialism and colonialism00:08:42 Recapitulation of the main points of Joe’s article00:21:44
Shannon Ward: Your book deals centrally with the biopolitics of language oppression, charting how techniques of governance institutionalize the elimination of Manegacha. In Chapter 6,
00:02:00 How did you get interested in the subject of “settler colonialism”? 00:05:50 Do you have an “Australian perspective”? 00:08:40 How would you summarise the
This year marks 30 years since China launched its ambitious Tibet-Aid Project (援藏计划), a vast and ongoing party-state effort to reshape the region. Unveiled at
From K. The Magazine “What did y’all think decolonization meant?,” reads the hyper-viral tweet that circulated after October 7. As antisemitic violence erupted in Canada,
At a conference in Prague this past spring (May 2023), a prominent theorist of colonialism and coloniality spoke to us via video chat from his
From Boston Review The picture above of two teenage Zionists was taken in 1906 in Kamenetz-Podolsk, Ukraine, in what was then the Russian empire. On
Lachlan McNamee’s short book on settler colonialism, Settling for Less: Why States Colonize and Why They Stop, is nothing short of excellent. In just 163
Volodymyr Ishchenko has carved out a unique niche as one of the western Left’s go-to voices on all things Ukrainian. His list of articles and
Since 2017, the Chinese authorities have detained hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Muslim minorities in ‘reeducation camps’ in China’s northwestern Xinjiang autonomous